News & Events

This is some extra content, it can be used for news, links, updates, or anything else.




This is a tableless, 2-column, fixed-width layout design by AP Web Design. Feel free to use it for personal or commercial use. You can make any modifications but you cannot sell or distribute the template. Please keep the link back to my website in your credit.


Getting Started:

Photo1 DescriptionReplace the logo.jpg file with with your own company logo, the image used here is 288px X 64px. You can even remove the logo from the background and just type in your company or website name and use the .company class.

Photo 2 DescriptionUse the .fltlft class to float an element on the left side of the page, as seen in the image above. Use the .fltrt class to float an element on the right side of the page, as seen with the image on the right. Update the <title> tags and <meta> tags with your own information. Use the H1 tag for your page title, and the H2 and H3 tags for subtitles. Try to use your page keywords withing the heading tags for better site optimisation.

Visit AP Web Design for more tips and resources.

Page Elements:

Heading 1 Colour & Size

Headline 2 Colour & Size

Headline 3 Colour & Size

Headline 4 Colour & Size

Headline 5 Colour & Size
Headline 6 Colour & Size


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This is an example of a blockquote. This is an example of a blockquote. This is an example of a blockquote. This is an example of a blockquote. This is an example of a blockquote.

An Unordered List

A Link to Nowhere